

Nov 16

Why Do You Need An Editor?

Why do you need an editor? After years of writing, why would you hand over good money to someone else to edit your books? Surely you know how to revise and edit and proofread your books by now. Well, perhaps you do. But most of us have found one simple truth, even after all those years of writing. We cannot see our own mistakes.

Seriously. How many times have you written something, reviewed it, revised it, only to give it to your critique partners and have them tell you about the big plot holes? Or the two times you gave the hero different eye colors? Spelled his name incorrectly? And it is nearly ompossible for you to notice senteneces that have the wrong tense, are missing commas, or have a reversed structure.

It’s up to your editor to find these things. A fresh set of trained eyes. And one who has never reviewed your work before can often find the problems in a character development arc, or sub plot. An editor will tell you when you don’t need an extra character. Or when your hero is just too tall. Or when a move in a fight scene is just plain impossible.

I have an editor. She is awesome on toast, Ms. Rhonda Helms. She does all of the above, and I love her for it. And no matter how long I have been editing, I will still need her, or someone like her. How about you?


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