

Aug 21

Accepting Submissions For Etopia Press

As a new acquisitions editor at Etopia Press I spend a bit of time in the Slush Pile (I know – I hate that term too, I will have to put some time into thinking up a new name I do like for the many, many unsolicited submissions a press receives), looking for just the right new project. So I’ve decided to open up a call for some stories I am really looking for.

Specifically I am looking for erotic romance novellas, heavy on the romance please, about 30,000 words long, in paranormal, and contemporary genres. No vampires please, zombies or sci-fi. But shifters are still fun, so is magic of any sort. I’d also like to see a good cop story.

Contemporary Erotic Romance, 50,000 words or longer, that crosses over into mystery/suspense, but is still emotional enough to pull at your heart. Thrill me a little. 🙂

A good traditional historical romance, with deep emotion, and contrary to the above, with a nearly closed bedroom door. Nearly. Give me history and love, without so many details that I drown in them, but am immersed in the time period. Time travel doesn’t count. 😉

For more specific details on what Etopia requires in terms of formatting, please see their submission guidelines, but direct your submission to Nancy @ theredpencoach (dot) com.

Good Luck!
