

Mar 13

Updates – Bookings and Appearances

Updates – Bookings and Appearances

Hello writers! Just a quick update on things – I am now taking bookings for the second week of May and onward for new projects. Some coaching time is still available in March toward the end of the month.

I’m happy to say the workshop I gave at the Atlantic Canada branch of RWA on March 1st went very well. I will be posting an abbreviated selection from that workshop shortly; for the Romance Writers of Atlantic Canada (RWAC) the workshop was entitled “The Backstory on Editing” but here I’ll be talking about what steps you need to take to get your work ready for an editor. I’ll call it Prepping for Editing!

Just a quick reminder as well – I will be at the Let Your Imagination Take Flight Conference in New England April 24th and 25th, and giving a workshop on “Quickies – Writing Short Fiction For The Romance Market” I’d love to see you there!
